NULL值的判斷 $t{type1id} = $$pref{dbh}->selectrow_array("SELECT type1id FROM enq1 WHERE id = 3"); if ( $t{type1id} == 0 ) { print "Type1id is NULL\n"; } ==>不是數值項的話,這個語句有問題。數值項專用。 if ( length($t{type1id}) == 0 ) { print "Type1id is NULL\n"; } ==>如果Null的話,這個語句有問題 如果@rec含有NULL的話,下面的操作要出錯誤信息 $t{line1} = join(' ',@rec);
($t{old1},$t{new1p},$t{new1q}) = $self->dbh->selectrow_array("SELECT type1id,partsid,QTY FROM enq1 WHERE id = $t{enq1_id}"); 91==> if ( $t{old1} == 0 ) { -------------------------------------------------- [error] [client] Use of uninitialized value in numeric eq (==) at ./pro/ line 91, CONFIG> line 11., -------------------------------------------------- 如何判斷一個項目的值是否是NULL(未解決) 解決!第一次INSERT時,放一個常數(比如"B") 起源==> 637==> $t{Nu1} = $self->dbh->selectrow_array("select parts_Unit from parts_nu where id = $t{Nuid1}"); -------------------------------------------------- [Wed May 14 17:27:51 2008] [error] [client] DBD::mysql::db selectrow_array failed: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 1 at ./pro/ line 637, CONFIG> line 11., referer: -------------------------------------------------- 要考慮$t{Nuid1}不存在的情況
考慮id=C的情況 591==> @{ $t{p1} } = $self->dbh->selectrow_array("SELECT * FROM $t{ptable} WHERE id = $t{pid1}"); -------------------------------------------------- [error] [client] DBD::mysql::db selectrow_array failed: Unknown column 'C' in 'where clause' at ./pro/ line 591, CONFIG> line 11., referer: -------------------------------------------------- 要考慮$t{pid1}='C'的情況 if ( $#{ $t{pid_list} } == 0 $t{pid_list}[0] eq 'C' ) { next; } COPY一個項目的subroutine use strict; use DBI; # 連接數據庫 my(%t,$n,@fld,@rec,$pref); print "This is\n"; # 連接數據庫 $$pref{dsn} = "DBI:mysql:host=localhost;database=cookbook"; $$pref{dbh} = DBI->connect($$pref{dsn}, "cbuser", "cbpass") or die "Cannot connect to server\n"; $$pref{dbh}->do("SET NAMES utf8"); if(!$$pref{dbh}){ print "SQL read ERROR!\n"; exit; } $$pref{table} = 'enq2'; $$pref{oldid} = 4; ($pref) = copy_one($pref); # 關閉數據庫 $$pref{dbh}->disconnect; # COPY一個項目 sub copy_one { my($pref) = @_; my(%t,@rec,$n);
# 取出COLUMNS $t{sth} = $$pref{dbh}->prepare("SHOW COLUMNS FROM $$pref{table}"); $t{sth}->execute; while ( @rec = $t{sth}->fetchrow_array ) { push(@{ $t{columns} },$rec[0]); } $t{sth}->finish; # 取出數據(同時記住不是NULL的項目) @{ $t{one} } = $$pref{dbh}->selectrow_array("SELECT * FROM $$pref{table} WHERE id = $$pref{oldid}");